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  12 Noon. Starting back along palm path.  Hear more
of what may be tamuiariu Whistles.  Reach palm tree 12:12. Appar
rently nothing there 1:15pm.  Area where Sakis seen yesterday.
  2:00pm.  See single Amacari. 12 ft up is tangle. Silen
t alone.  Apparently not the same species that occurs in Pana
ma.  Orange suppresion on yellow part of bell.
  Stop observations 2:20pm.
  COMMENT:  This morning's observations (or the 
lack thereof) would seem to be another example of the depress
ing effect of wet weather.  And the fact that the animals 
did not move much may be an indication that food is super-
abundant here too.
  Certainly the animals do not seem to be in the breeding
condition here now.  I should expect them to breedi in the dry 
season.  According to the local storekeeper, it should be
dry season here now.  Dry season usually is end of Augues
or beginning of September into March.  But he says (and
other people seem to agree with him) that the rains have 
lasted unusually long this year.
  Going to look at the Pygmes this afternoon.  Arrive
usual path woods 4:20pm.  Sunny and hot.
  Immediately see single mid. on hole tree trunk
"Frozen" with usual head movements.  NOTE: Ind looks at us
quite frequently.  But there is no TR.  Is this because alarm is not very intense?  Is TR an indication of more or less extreme alarm