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September 20, 1968.

Mga spectabilis (underlined) (Vahl), "Guamo macheto", is supposed to be the name of the tree in which the Pigmies dig holes. Name according to "Plantas Utiles de Colombia" by E. Perez-Arbelaez, 3rd edition, 1956, Libreria Colombiano - Camacho Roldan (Cia. Ltda.)- Bogotá.
   Suprisingly enough, this is not a mature species. I wonder if the identification is correct? Or if the Pygmies use other species as well?

September 21, 1968.

   It poured rain last night. Buth rain stops at the down. Going to try forest across the Moccoa River. Very late in starting. What with rivers to cross,etc. Finally reach forest 9:30 am. By which time, it has become overcast again and rain starts again 10:20 am
   We walk through dripping forest, rain, fog, etc., until approximately 2:30 pm without seeing one God damn thing!
   The forest is rather peculiar. Continuos (underlined) slope, aapproximately 30°-45°. The general aspect is quite reminiscent of semi-mature second growth. But I think that it must, in fact, be primary. Peculiar features due  to edaph