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  These tamarins were going toward a mixed flock of birds. I couldn't tell if this was real following or not. The birds were uttering tamarin - like noises.  But the tamarins themselves seemed to be silent.

   Sun comes out strong 7:30am.  Then a few clouds appear ca. 8:30. But there are still intervals of sunlight.

   Walk alongside paths, 9:00 am. Just before Calliubus palm.  Find rather dispersed flock of birds in tree tops and middle layer forest. Very mixed.  Includes at least one peculiar toucanet (rather small-billed, bill largely, rose red-blackish toward tip, rufous crown, bright green patch bare skin around eye, rufous breast and belly, scarlet under tail coverts and probably rump, olivish wings), some Euphonias, a large Ivory-bill-like woodpecker, 2 small woodpeckers (yellow nape stripe and probably scarlet belly), a couple of 7-colored tanagers (Tangara chilensis), etc. Apparently no monkeys near by. 

  I might add that I have seen several other mixed flocks without monkeys in this region. 

   Reach palm itself 9:10am.  Going to sit and wait.

   9:25.  Suddenly see rufous sguirrel perched 20 ft up in small tree. Probably same species as an Cagueta. But rattier duller. Back relatively dark, almost mahogany. And belly certainly cream or light yellow. His squirrel artaueg is eating one of the palm nuts. Chewing off skin. Then drops nut. Comes down to ground. Moves away. 
   Walk around whole palm tree area without seeing or hearing anything. Either the titis are being very quiet or