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   The non-striped bold individual comes back to hole tree 4:30. Feeds briefly (before being frightened off by workers). This time backing down trunk a few inches. One even feeds (very briefly) hanging head downward. This is drawn on the preceding page. 
   Back again briefly. Off again Back again. Off again. Back again 4:48
   Well! Well! Well! 4:55 pm. Suddenly see that there are 2 Pygmies in small tree some yards away from hole tree. Apparently chasing one another back and forth. Over short distances (usually 1-2 ft). Individual distance has disappeared. Once one ind. muzzles genito-anal region of the other SNF? Several times the two inds. meet nose to nose. More SNF? Brief pauses between chases. No overt fighting.  Inds. apparently silent. This looks like play. Mates? Parent-offspring?
   Then a third ind. leaps into same tree and whole group scatters.
   A minute later, I see one ind. apparently "resting". Flat on thin horizontal branch. Legs and arms more or less tucked under body. Can't see tail (stretched along branch?) Then ind. shifts position,  Sits on haunches on horizontal branch with hands resting on higher horizontal branch.
   A few seconds later, see two inds. (at least one striped) moving thru trees. 30-60 ft up. On both vertical and horizontal branches and trunks. At least 20 ft apart. But second ind. definitely following exact path of first. First