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moving thru mature trees 50 ft up. Then move into smaller trees, 30 ft up. This area is not at all dense. The two inds. are not particularly close together. Probably 20-30 ft apart. Apparently not greatly disturbed by my presence. Silent except for one brief series of 3-4 Grunts. Apparently not feeding. Disappear after a few minutes.

  2:30 pm. Same area. Two tamarins show up. Presumably same inds. seen earlier. Again rather far apart from one another. And again I cannot identify species with certainty (inds. seen only in silhouette) but presence Trizonal. I am making a lot of noise at the time. (Brushing off ants). Tamarins see me and begin to vocalize madly. Lots of Whistles  High pitched, urgent, but not particularly plaintive. In series of 4, 5, and 6 Notes. Also lots of Trll's. But only a few LSN's (why?). And certainly nothing like TW.

  Obviously these Whistles must have been hostile.

  But how the motivation of Whistles differs from that of Trll's and LSN's is a problem. Sometimes an ind. which was uttering Trll's would switch to Whistles when I made a particularly rigorous movement. This would suggest that the Whistles might be higher intensity than Trll's. But the animals also continued to utter Whistles after their excitement had partly died down, as they moved away, and after they had stopped uttering Trll's and LSN's. 

  So there must be some quantitative difference involved. Presumably the Whistles contain more attack, and/or some non-hostile motivation lacking in the Trll & LSN.