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July 4, 1969
El Pepino

Going to work on Fuerberger's place above the camparmento.

NOTE: This is the rainy season.  And it has been raining hard here for the last 8 days.  But it looks as if it might be going to clear up today.

Start out late.  Arrive edge lower patch of woods 7:05 am.  Sky still overcast.  Toucans are calling steadily.  But otherwise forest is rather quiet.

Arrive upper patch of woods 7:25 am.  Just as light drizzle starts.

Rain doesn't last.  But then I find that quite a lot of scrub has been cut along edges of upper part of path.
Getting clearer 8:02 am.
8:05.  Hear outburst of 3 and 4 note  series of W's.  Possibly tamarins.  Notes of moderate length.  Apparently a response to sound of tree falling in distance.

Sun comes out, briefly, 9:13 am.  Birds are quite noisy.  Oropendolas apparently breeding.  But no monkeys visible or audible.

10:25 am.  Cloudy again.  Walking along side path.  Region of moderately tall but not very dense forest.  Come across 2 Callicebus torquatus.  When first seen, about 30 ft up.  Run up higher, to 40-60 ft.  Then gradually