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approach and cross over above me.  Still at same level.  Pausing to "peer" at me from time to time.  "Peering" quite distinctive.  Animals rather crouched, looking down.  Back hair rather disheveled (apparently wet) But no real Arch or GR.  Tail usually lashed from side to side.  Lashing movements very extreme.  Include high vertical as well as lateral components.  Obviously highly ritualized.  Sometimes accompanied by some slight, irregular, apparently unritualized swaying of the head and neck.  Tail looks quite fluffy during Lashing, but probably not much more so than usual. I.E. little or no special TR.

See accompanying sketch on separate page.

NOTE:  Animals seem to have quite long, if rounded, beards.  More so than moloch.  Rather Alouatta palliata-like in general effect.  And beard is framed by white "crescent", at least when seen from below and in front. "Crescent" comes up quite far on each side.  Up to (and behind) ears.

NOTE:  There is a very large Atta colony quite close by.  As I recall, there also was an Atta colony near the place where torquatus were seen and heard above Fuerbringer's other farm last year.  Could this be significant???

After crossing over me, the 2 torquatus suddenly disappear. I think that they just hid themselves in a tangle.