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up, @ 12:50
     12:55  Suddenly come across group of Sakis.  Apparently alone.  2 animals visible, at least 1 other only audible.  In area of crowded, rather slender, not very tall trees, on very steep slope.  At least several hundred yards from where Sakis seen last year (but possible partly the same group).  Rather closer to where the torguatus [?] were seen this morning. 

     The 2 visible inds. ranged 25-40 ft up in tress.  Almost eye level with me, who was standing higher on slope.  Much less frightened by my appearance than some other Sadis I have encountered elsewhere.  Both showed some indications of aggressiveness.  One much more than the other.  

     Both uttered many vocalizations at first Some grunts.  Lots of rather high pitched Trills.  Definitely not real Rattles[?].) Most of the Trills probably uttered by the less aggressive of the two inds.  Also some Roars  All rather "breathy" or "wheezing".  Probably  mostly by the more aggressive of the two inds.  Also several real loud Wails.  Again probably the more aggressive animal.

     Once this individual uttered a most peculiar sound which I do not think I have ever heard before  A series of moderately short notes which might be transcribed as "Krai krai krai krai . . . . ." or "Kraa kraa kraa . . . .".  Loud.  Both plaintive and harsh at the same