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individual down hill to the left. Including Wails. At which point the other 2 vids change direction, and move back to the lift to rejoin the invisible one. 

All three out of sight. But still vocal. Wails. Grunts. Trills. Probably Growls. Possibly also trails of WWB and/or Hyaena. And/or series of Grunts in pumping rhythm. 

Then more confusion sets in. 

Suddenly 2 Sakis appear (or re-appear?) in large tree above my head. 60-70 ft up. Apparently not expecting to see me. This would suggest that they are not the individuals which saw me a few minutes earlier. Also one of their vids is carrying an infant. Which apparently was not the case with either of the 2 seen earlier. 

The two (new?) individuals vocalize at rue. Considerable variety of sounds. Then go bounding off across trail. Straight in the direction of the torquatus seen earlier this morning. The territories of the two species must be at least immediately adjacent here. More probably at least partly overlapping. 

Then the confusion gets still worse confounded. 

I do not see the 2 vids, who went toward the torquatus come back. But suddenly there are four Sakis bounding about high in trees around we as I am (still) writing these notes. None carrying an infant as far as I can tell. But they are moving around far too