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complex as in Callicebus. Although rather strikingly different in detail. And the Sakis seem to lack stereotyped song.
NOTE: It has taken me a long time to write these notes. It is now 2:20 pm. I can hear one or two Sakis moving around in trees quite close to where I am sitting. They must be aware of my presence, but do not seem to be wildly excited about it.  And they are not vocalizing very frequently.  Is this support for the theory that some of the earlier vocalizing was due to intraspecific hostility???

The the remaining Saki(s) gradually move(s) down hill. Away from torquatus.

2:42.  Walking down side path where torquatus seen earlier.  Startle single Saki 20 ft up in tree.  It utters several rather loud (not very "breathy") Roars, then a whole host of Trills.  These Trills are very "bubbling" in sound. Then animal leaps away.  Arms spread in flight.  But legs folded under body.  See sketch at end of today's notes.  Whole effect very bird-like.  Explains name "volador".

This ind. presumably one of the ones seen up hill earlier.  But now it is ca. 50 ft down hill from where torquatus were found.  I.E. there may be extensive overlap of the territories of the two species.

But there are no torquatus visible or audible now (Nor did I hear any torquatus sounds when Sakis first