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torquatus here is sparse. There are relatively few rivals to intimidate.

7:15 a.m. Area where there was all the commotion among the Sakis yesterday. Hear one faint Wail down hill. Possibly also trail of wwB. Otherwise everything very quiet.

8:40 a.m. I have now been walking around this Saki-titi area for quite a long while, without observing anything more of interest. In spite of the fact that the sun has been shining brightly almost all the while. I.E. sunshine doesn't always induce activity.

9:00 a.m. Catch brief glimpse of Saki, not far from area of commotion yesterday. About 30 ft up area mixed forest. Can't tell if alone or not. Just galloping along. Apparently undisturbed. And apparently absolutely silent. This species certainly can be inconspicuous when it wants to be!

9:14 Catch a glimpse of the same or another Saki further along path. 40 ft up. Silent.

10:30 a.m. Back along main path. An adult Saki discovers me. It is 60 ft up in tall tree. More or less halfway between my present position and the area where Sakis were seen yesterday. At least 300 yds from me, but it still reacts briefly. [?] 2 long Roars (quite deep and loud), then a lot of Trills (at first quite deep and hard- perhaps almost pure Rattle). Then several Trill-Grunts (The Trills in these last performances were not at all Rattle-like. Also shorter than the preceding types.) Then several other people show up along the path. This provokes the Saki into