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imum extent. Once brings tail up and curls it over shoulder SEE DRAWING. Very Squirrel Monkey-like!!! Then brings it down and lets it hang again. Then goes back to banana board. Moving in extreme Ooze. And maintaining full erection of tail and side of head hairs. 
Then it starts to eat again. In same way as before. 
Both times the animal ate, it immediately relaxed all of its ruffling or fluffing. 
Obviously both TR and raising hairs on side of face or head (without true CR) must contain appreciable amounts of escape tendency.
After some minutes, the animal leaps away again. Vertically up a tree trunk. Disappears.
It does not visit the tree with feeding holes Do Pygmies prefer liquid bananas to sap when available?
As far as I can tell, the animal was silent throughout
Stopping observations 11:35 am
NOTE: The raising of the hairs on either side of the face seems to be what I called "SR" earlier. I shall continue to use the term.
This afternoon, going to try to work in other areas. Start out in second growth forest on very steep slope. There are supposed to be Tamarins and Callicebus Torquatus here. Actually this forest is semi-connected with the one behind Tuerbringer's House. But it is far enough away so I can be fairly certain that any individuals seen here are ones that I have never seen before. Arrive 1:00 pm. Sun shining after brief rain.

Transcription Notes:
Unsure what "Taimanens" is supposed to be; Google didn't show anything. Maybe I'm getting the spelling drastically wrong. "Taimanens" is Tamarins, squirrel-sized monkeys that include golden lion tamarins, black lion tamarins, etc. Edited the text accordingly. - @raferrante