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3:30pm  Wind coming up. Looks like storm.  Then light rain 3:50-4:05.

4:17pm  Hear several little Trill's which might well be uttered by Pygmies. Also some "Tsit" Notes. (CORRECTION.  The "Tsit"s are uttered by Tangara mexicana.)

NOTE. 4:50pm  It is interesting that there have been no squirrels, much less tamarins, in this hedge during the periods that I have been watching. And even the birds, such as Blue Tanagers and oropendolas, apparently have not yet discovered the banana board (which is only a few feet above ground and well screened by trees overhead. Only a variety of insects have been taking advantage of this new and "artificial" food source. Pygmy Marmosets may have fewer vertebrate competitors, at least in hedge-like environments, than any other NW primate.  Possibly it is the evolution of sap-sucking which has permitted them to flourish in habitats which are too impoverished for other species?

Leaving 6:05pm as it is getting dark.

NOTE: Wherever the sleeping hole(s) of these animals may be, it (or they) would appear to be some distance away from the banana board-feeding tree site.

July 10, 1969

Rains all night. Stops at dawn. So I go out. But rain starts again at 7:00am. Pours and continues. So