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Notes apparently intergrading. At least I found them difficult to tell apart at times. W's and intermediates also after uttered in series. Some of their series also irregular. But the animals also uttered more regular series of Sn's and/or W-SN's. Perhaps homologous with TW of Puiche's. 

But thin hard hostile sounding. Only once did I hear a series of more plaintive sounds like TWW of Puiche's. Also heard one or two real Trill's. And lots of QDC, several series of QDC-KDC. 

When I did catch brief glimpses of the animals, they appeared to be surprisingly brown on flanks and upper arms. So did the animals seen yesterday (when I thought that this appearance was due to rain). Is this species really fuscicollis? Or a different subspecies from the Caqueta animals. 

10:10 a.m. Region of apparent second growth. Lots of crowded thin tree trunks. See single red squirrel. Silent and alone. Runs down tree trunk to ground and then away on ground. 

NOTE: The fruit on which the tamarins were feeding yesterday was Quararibea sp. 

2:10 pm. Another area of will [[?]] mixed forest. Lots of [[?]] and thin trees. Come [[?]] group of 4 [[?]]. Shy. Presumably [[?]] but I didn't see them well. Running + leaping horizontally 20-40 ft up. [[?]] scattered. Moderately noisy. Lots of short W's, soft to medium SN's, and intermediates.