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Several hundred yards further on, see large group of Saimiri. (And these are what the guide has been calling Chichico blanco.) Region of tall well drained forest. Group includes at least 20 inds. Probably more. Quite coherent. Moving at all levels from 20-120 ft up. Some infants, being carried. When we first discover the animals, they are uttering Wstl's and a few harsh "Āuh" Notes. Switch to Al Notes (hard "Tsit"s – Q-type notes) when they see us.

This group is definitely alone.

Finally stop observations 4:30 pm.

Santa Rosa
February 17, 1970

Start out 7:20 am, just after terrific rain storm. Working in water logged forest just behind village. Everything absolutely dripping.

8:25 am. See single Red-tailed Squirrel on ground. Definitely alone. It sees us, runs up a tree and away. Silent.

8:40 am. Some distance further on. See single Pygmy Squirrel on trunk of tall rather thin tree. Silent and alone. 

9:10 am. Some distance further on. Region of taller forest, considerably less water-logged than area behind village. Come across group of 15-20 Saimiri. Definitely not accompanied by Cebus albifrons (guide even gave