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allrifrono calls). All animals remained high in trees. 60-120 ft up. Passed thru a couple of palms. Rather dispersed.  Movements noisy but not many vocalizations.  A few Wstl's.  A few "auh" Notes. A few harsh "Tsanh"S (transitional to AlN?)
These animals are very pale all over. Smooth faced
9:45 am. Some distance further on.  Hear group of tamarins. Presumably usual dull brown type: But the animals retreat immediately and so we do not see them. Before retreating utter variety of sounds. W's.  Including series of 4 notes which sounded almost LW-like. Trll's?  TW? (Some series including "eeyou"s at end or just before end.) A few LSN's. Animals apparently in area of water logged forest, many thin trees, some leaves.  Possibly 20-35 ft up. 
Stopping observations  11:30 am.
NOTE; There seem to be surprisingly few mixed bird flocks around here. Why?
Robin Foster goes out collecting 12:00 m. to 2:00 pm. Very hot and still.  Sees no monkeys at all. Another indication that the local species take it easy during the middle of the day.
I start out again at 2:45 pm.  Run into a terrific and long sustained thunder storm. Give up. 
COMMENT: It is my impression that the territory of the local tamarins are generally comparable to those of Pinche's in size -- although possible a little larger on the average. Callicebus moloch presumably are small