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Got a particularly good view of colors this time. Animals definitely dull brown, slightly brindled, on most of back. Upper back of one ind. certainly blackish brown rather than pure black. And same ind. also seemed to be brown underneath.

NOTE: Guide says that large, pure black all over, Chichico occurs in forests near Puerto Assis. Usually fairly high in trees. [[Confimis Le'Nestour?]].

8:15. Region of well drained nature forest along ridge. Lots of tall old trees. One or two with clusters of lianas but not great mass tangles. Come across family of Callicebus torquatus (definite). Ca. 40-60 ft up. Silent. See us immediately. Scatter in different directions. Group apparently includes 3 adults & 1 infant (being carried on back of one of the adults). After scattering, each individual freezes in clump of leaves or thick branches high in trees. Rests there silent and motionless for minutes on end. We finally force the adult with infant to move (very cautiously) only by making a terrific noise and whacking at the trunk of the tree in which it is hiding.

This scatter-freeze evasive technique seems to be particularly characteristic of torquatus (vis El Pepino). Even more so than of moloch.

According to guide, torquatus never Sing toward human beings. Another difference from moloch?

So far the ecological difference between torquatus and moloch is just as expected.

Transcription Notes:
ind. = individual