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   9:55 am Slope of ridge. Region of very mixed forest. Lots of tall trees. Also small. Tree falls. May have more than where torquatus were seen. Come across mixed group. Includes 8 (probably more) Cebus albifrons and at least 25 Saimiri. Group as a whole well integrated. Ranging 20-45 ft up. Both species ranging same levels. Order of progremon apparently albifrons - Saimiri - albifrons - Saimiri - albifrons. Suds. of both species follow exact same routes in some places (of course there may not be a great choice of routes here). Both species movements are noisy. C. albifrons also utter lots of single MGB's. Saimiri utter Alr's, Wstl's, "Auh" Notes, and one or two "Brr"s. Neither species feeds while in sight. No sound of pounding. 
   Come across same group a few minutes later. Saimiri 30 ft up in tall trees. Apparently, looking for insects on leaves. Without success as far as I can see. 
   One Saimiri does "urine-washing" when it sees us. Before uttering Alr and fleeing. 
   It not looks as the albifrons are all in the lead and the Saimiri all following.
   A few yards further on, see single albifrons uttering MGB's. 30 ft up in mixed vegetation. Looks alone but obviously a poorly integrated "outlier" of the group. 
   11:45 am. Much further on. Another well drained ridge. Mature forest, with thicker understory than on BCI. According to guide, Sakis live here. The area