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12 August 1970
Rio Gumeo

Going to try same island as before

Arrive 7:15 am. Overcast. No wind. Island is remarkably dry!

7:27. Region of mixed bamboo and second growth Near what seems to be Callimica. Utter 2 long series of accelerating, descending Whistles Then take off. Quite invisable to me. Antuco says that there were 3 adults. At first quite high in vegetation. Then, according to Antuco, come blown to ground to escape further. 

No sign of Saguinus when we first here the Callimico. But then, a few minutes later, from direction in which the Callimico went, here sounds of both Callimico and Saguinus. More series of whistles from Callimico. Also some shorter, lower, more rasping sounds. 

A few minutes more, and we see and here 1 Saguinus back in place were Callimico first seen. All alone now. 60 ft up in bamboo!

Then hear Callimico apparently coming back. 

I.E. This has been a mixed group of Callimico and Sagunius from the beginning

NOTE: Series of whistles by Callimico are not usually accelerating. Quite the reverse.