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Stoughton 18th 1923
Dear Doris,
Pa saw two robins Wednesday while he was teaming and before the day ends we may hear them for it bids fair to be something more like spring, to what we have had before.
Our snow and ice are slowly disapearing so much so that I have emtied a can full of ashes that was in the cellar, waiting for us to find our path.
You cant imagine what it seems to see bare ground if only in spots, it has remained covered all winter, ever since you were here. winter began early, and we are glad to have it go. I doubt if we hear the frogs peep this month.
I hope you will enjoy your car as much as you anticipate and will have luck in driving it. I feel afraid of them.
They are for the younger generation, I want no part of them. Sids ma is looking forward to hiking some this summer with you poor woman, I hope you take her every time you can give her all the pleasure you possibly know how for she deserves it.
I have been out of jackets over a week now look for yarn every day. Mrs. Griffin sent me a post-card saying they hadnt been to Washington yet, but were going soon, that Will had been sick eversince they had been there, but was better, very sickly there they had both of them been sick here, before they left town.
Henri Johnson started to go down town one day this week and fell down there by Belchers Shop, Fred Clapp helped him up and they hired the taxi to carry him home again. he was going down to the Cooporative