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bank over 80 most 90 years old, he is gradually failing and too poor to hire a conveyance to carry him where he wants to go. 
I can hear Pa cutting a log out back of the house, the snow has got away some so he is at it for all he is worth, our wood pile he thinks is running low, it has held out fairly well through such a winter. My dinner is easily got to day, for I cooked my corned beef and cabbage yesterday. and made a pine apple pie and a turnover and cookies (thats the bill of fare). Tell Sid that I am saving one jar of chow chow the kind he likes. for him, when he comes up. I have also one jar of chillie sauce the ripe ones, so he will have his choice it will go good then, I have got a jar of stewed and sweetened rhubarb sauce that you may like. We have eaten a lot of those blueberried this winter. I didnt lose a jar. they kept fine, tomato seems to be the hardest to keep. to cold pack them they retain their flavor best, but I don't feel that I know how to do them that way. my confidence in such things is weak. Mrs Ramsey has not moved into her house yet, she and her sister have both been sick, they are staying up to Annie Skinners. Sue is pleased to think that they have bought the house opposite and will make good quiet neighbors. I will be glad to get out somewhere. after the going gets better, Pa and I are going down to see Ralphs house, so he told him, some evening probably. Emily and Georgiana are both sick. Georgie has been very sick and is'nt able to sit up much either, Emily has to keep a going. Elisha said yesterday that they werent any worse. Well I will let Pa tell the rest. Ma.