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In a weeks time the snow and ice gone and nearly all of the St's are salted pretty good. To day. I was over to Barn. Took about a half ins. of hair off the Horse shook out hay for the week cleaned the Barn floor of slugh. Then started with the axe and saw for the tops of the trees that have been covered all winter. I have about a half cord up to the Block. I have taken some of the Leaves from the tulip bed they are nearly 2 in high and a good share of the crocuses are coming not a very good lot bulbs. Our May flower has done the best it ever did for the winter. It has several buds one I think will be open in week or two. The loam froze hard in cold frame but it almost thawed out and if it had not been so cold last night, I think it have been so I could have shifted the dirt and filled one half with dressing from the Barn  Now I shall have to wait till next Sunday. I think I may get time after supper as the days are a little longer at night it will give me half an hour for scratching round. I have worked most every day the last week five or six hours at the Town House. nothing has been said to me yet