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I see Snell had one load of his goods taken away Friday there is to be some Stoughton folks in W. the coming week Mrs Winship Hazel and the Fischer girl also Chas. Swan. he ownes one or two Houses that was left to him by his Aunt. I have heard he had stock in the Washington Bank. I am putting in a clipping from the News, the Paper I shall wait another week before I send them if I had been Jack I would not let out I had received the letter and before long some one would have been asking him then he could have found out about it. (rather hard on the Eastern Star?) He has got stuck and wants me to finish, there does not seem to be much to write about. Alice said Myrtie went right to work as soon as she got home down to Mountain Mills. but did not say what a doing. The grass has started in just a weeks time, since the snow left us. Down east when Mrs. Knowlton is (Drakes former housekeeper) she wrote up to Pearl that snow was five feet on a level, no roads broken out, they go with snow shoes, no mail delivery and a mile to the office, she lives Monroe and some places in the west, they have had but very little snow, and an open winter. Pa is at his wood trimming again he cant let it alone, his shoulder is lame already unused to such work. I dont know as our butterfly bush will live there