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I think its longer than it need be but it may keep your feet warmer.  Myrtie was here Friday afternoon, she stopped in on her way down to Marrion Estins, they were going to give her some of their childrens clothes for Mildreds kids.   she is going over to Norwood and then home.  She was interested in yours and Sids pictures, and sent her kind regards to you and said she could'nt remember when she saw you last, was the same old sixpence.  Pa has just gone over to harness to go up to Willie Holmes and want me to be ready.  there is not much to write as I dont see anyone, but Harold Capen and his wife came over in their Ford to sign an application for a loan it seems he is going to buy the old George Smith place opposite of the house he now occupies for sale on easy terms he has toned down wonderfully and she is real lady like and pretty.  
so long  Ma