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Stoughton Sep 17th 1922

Dear Doris
After having all kinds of weather during the past week we have begun another one with a nice cool sunny day. Our Storm of Friday night only gave us a pelting shower but all around north of us even in N Hampshire and Vermont it was a terrible disasterous tempest burning down houses and barns with twenty heads of cattle, and then people say that they don't feel afraid in a thunder shower, deliver me though.
  Well Pa is mowing the lawn for the first time although I mowed it Thursday. but since then the shower has started up the grass two inches or more Friday night- past before the shower we had just landed in bed. Lena was down stairs brushing her teeth, the windows were all open up stairs, there came a terrible gust of wind and then a crash, on getting up to locate the noise I found my fern in the front chamber had been blown off and lay on the floor with the flower pot broken in pieces but the fern was not much injured as luck would have it as Pa brought home another flower pot and I