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have got it on the little stand in side of the piano down stairs. Lena has been busy fixing up her clothes and straightening out her things in her trunk, she says it's a job she has dreaded for a long time, and she wishes she could take us all out to California with her. I am waiting for yarn and have had time to catch up on my house work some. I am going to have a pot roast which I cooked yesterday and an apple cake pudding with a lemon sauce. we can have all the corn we want out of Leonard's garden but most of it is too hard, it upset your Pa's stomach one day, aside from the cramp he had after the first Mason rally Tuesday night, he has been pretty fair. We all went down to vote. The Marden's took me in the afternoon, Edgar your know was running for Representative. Did the nightdress suite? and were the apples too ripe? Mrs Dykeman sent me a post card, she is to the shore somewhere this week we couldn't make out where it was but spoke of being on Plymouth Tuesday. I haven't been out of site of the house since you went home. and no one comes here, but I am contented with my home and my work. It is so cool to day that one has to stir around to keep warm, the wind is from the NW. papers speak of having a frost to night, it certainly feels like one. Mort Lamb was here Sunday, he is interested in antiques now, and wants that old bed stead but Pa won't want to ask him much for it, so long Ma.