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Stoughton May 28th 1922

Dear Doris-
Well this is another beautiful cool day 
I left my dinner cooking and went with Pa and Lena down to the meadow after moss and flowers, for decoration we got a lot of jack in the Pulpits they have such lovely long roots that I am setting them out after giving Mrs Dykeman three for her wild flower garden. She gave us some of her lettuce which was very nice and tender which added to our dinner. I stuffed a neck peice of lamb and left it baking in the oven after I had boiled it an hour the day before and early this morning I made a frosted lemon pie. While wewere going into the meadow, Pa in his rubber boots, on ahead, stepped into that soft, oozy, mess when up came a head and slapped against the leg of his rubber boot, a big black snaked. you better believe I got out-of there quick. Mrs D told me some news, Mrs Elmes is making over her big house into two teniments and she and Gertrude are going to live there Pa says it can be done easy they have hired her two boys one to wire it and Louie  

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