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I got your letter Friday urging me to plant those scarlet poppy seeds, so straightaway went about the same, and I hope they come up for I have always been crazy to get some, my asters I also sat out yesterday after transplanting over fifty lettuce plants and today I have set-out my calendulas and half a doz petunias and I may set out some of the salvias before night that will leave only just the tomatoes to set out in the ground that week in the cold frame. I have put out the geranerems that I made slips of by cutting [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] back the old roots that were up stairs, which made a nice bed around the Jack rose bush. the old roots are side of the Portico steps, still in pots waiting to be set out in the side bed out where I set them last year, now if those pinks come up I will have to have a bed dug up for them side of the peach trees. Mrs Dykeman came up last night and stayed till 10 clock she brought me a rare root of a flocks that her brother Frank got down to the Drapers in Canton. Pa sawed a molasses barrel in two and gave Drake the sugar that was in it and I am to have it for plants to set onto the old stumps, I expect to blossom out this summer, in all the colors of the rainbow wont it be lovely. We are having nice weather our rain did lots of good. Those grape vines are all started and the raspberrys are all growing fine Pa's seeds are coming up that

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