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he planted the Sunday you were home, and last but not least my rheubarb has taken it into its head to grow after being coaxed along with liquid and a foot of solid stuff I have piled up around it. I was over to Mrs Griffens Friday night she called me over Pa went to mason meeting the had a big supper. She look pretty good and took me all around She wants to let a room. She showed me pictures of Effie and Edna and their husbands she is lonesome without them but mighty glad to think of them as married, after "angling" all those years, I know her of old and dont forget her disposition, but its just as well to be on the right side of them and not be too intimate. I dont trust such folks, they are too snakey I hate it. well I must close now and get my dinner corned beef and cabbage

Stoughton May 20th 1922
Did your box come through safe and when did you receive it? 

Dear Doris-
At last Pa has got started for church, the Masons were invited down to the Methodist to hear young Macombie, one of their own brotherhood preach to them, he had mistaken the time and found he had only about fifteen minutes to dress wash up and get down to the Lodge room, so to march up with his crowd, and you better believe there was some hustling and swearing thrown in. 

Transcription Notes:
rhubarb (spelling)