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1  Stoughton April 14th" 1922

Dear Doris,

  Well after another cold storm at last its pleasant.  I suppose the churches will be full of pretty clothes all anxious to out do one another.  I have celebrated the day by washing out my clothes, my sweater among the rest, and empting about eight hods of ashes we have got to run a fire today for the thermometer is almost down to 40 degrees this morning but it will warm up in the afternoon when the sun gets around in our sitting room.  Lena sent an Easter card so Pa got it before he closed up the store last night and I got one from Marne, I sent one to her but she could not have got mine before she sent it

4  [[strikethrough]] She points the arduous height where glory lies, and teaches mad ambition to be wise.  [[strike through]]

Pa has just come in with some parsnips that he has just dug, they are rotting a little at the top.  Our forsythias are just coming into blossoming, also the maples.  our tulips are  budding they may be out by the time you get here but I doubt it.  I have just taken the glass of the hot bed my seeds are coming pretty good.  I should think by your description of G hip that it would be some time yet before he would bee able to come to work again.  I suppose the office help are having a delightful rest.
