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whenever anything has to be done around the house as we never can pull together as we should, but its over for this time and it had been put off long enough.

Gertrudes little girl that she took from the State came down with scarlet fever Thursday and they had the ambulence come out of Boston and take her in to the hospital. I hope the baby dont have it and the children in the other part of the house either.

I am expecting to be busy this week fixing up about the house, my seeds that I have planted in boxes are coming up nicely and hope they will do well. I gave some to Ms. Dykeman. her land is just right for the highbiscus plants. Our tulips are showing up nice I have cleaned off the dressing and can count about a doz to day.
I have just got my jackets ready to send in a bundle the first of the week. Lena is going to help get up a pageant for the church people up there to Maynard, they have asked her to do so, she was so successful to get up the one for the school, they are crazy for her to do so for the church. 

Well so long   Ma.

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