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time  I am going to get fifty dollars out of that which wasnt worth twenty cents, and he said of the daughter had'nt come with her that day, he could have soaked her for twenty five more he thought, he is to make a picture of the Porter place for her, and she is going to have one made from Grafts picture, she was pleased with that.  I tell you we are working her for all we can, but what is the use, she cant begin to spend her income so we will help her.  I wish I could hatch up something else, if we had only known enough to have saved things.

  Mort wants to get hold of something that was Hirams you know she came from there to us.  he asked if he didnt paint pictures, but I guess they didnt have anything they are gone by this time if there was.  Pa has gone over to feed the horse so I am going to get the dinner.  we had corned beef and cabbage warmed over from yesterday potatoes and a bread pudding also apple pie.  My washing is out but there is no sun to dry them, it looks like snow again one came Friday night now another well we have got a good lot of chips picked up  Pa has been busy all day on the wood and I began early to pick up before the snow covered them, Alice & Percy rode by on horse back all for pleasure.
