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She began by asking me if I didn't feel ashamed of myself and I told Alice not to say a word. I must go over some afternoon and call on her, she has been here twice. I am always busy and don't have time for calling, but I can take along my jacket[??]. We have had a reply from our card that we sent to the Burns family and the live at 169 Pleasant St, just before you get into the city. A card came from them in reply so when I go up I can call and see them. I have got my clothes out on the line they froze solid, but they can't help drying its so sunny. Our backyard doesn't look natural, as not many of the trees are standing. I am picking up chips, all the chance I get to burn and they make a very hot fire. My potatoes are on cooking for  dinner a pot roast with cabbage and cream or apple pie. Lena is not out this week and Bates their princibal[[??]], has gone from Maynard to Summerset[[??]] as Superintendent, with more pay, she asked him for a recomendation and he promised to send her one. Lena I guess has got enough of the place and would like a change. She feels although she had not done her duty by not giving you enough presents. She got quite a few from her sister, they had a tree on account of John Hollis. Well do be careful and not go to work too soon isn't Mrs Brimbaugh good to your folks you are lucky to be there well so long Ma