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Stoughton Nov 6th 1921

Dear Doris -

We have had a good freeze this time after a gale of yesterdays clear up, after our two days of stormy weather we woke up this morning and found our thermometer down to 24°. So today we have got instead of a light wood fire in the sitting room, a good coal fire which we can depend upon. I made some pickle lilly this week out of the green tomatoes I had left. two glass jars. We have just come home from Armos'es[[??]] and I have got dinner and Pa has gone upstairs to change his clothes. it was but little work to get dinner as all the things were cooked and so all I had to do was to warm them up. Yesterday I ordered some hamburg steak. So I made it into balls and put into it some onion pieces and laid thin slices of salt pork on top & put them in a pan and baked