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Stoughton July 3rd, 1921

Dear Doris
Pa has written his letter and cleared out and tis after-dinner with the dishes washed and hotter than hell but I will try to write a little, if I dont turn into grease mean while. I got dinner on the grill which I find saves me a lot of work and dont heat up the house. Pa said he didnt care for potatoes, so I warmed up the gravy and meat and had bread to eat with it, that with lettuce and cold coffee and applepie, served us for the midday meal. and now for supper we have plenty of milk in the ice box and I'l get throu easy enough. This hot day after our week of cold stormy weather is a complete change, but then we always have it so around the fourth, it wont last long I hope. Our rambler rose is spoilt by the storm, so is my tender lettuce but the new seeds are just coming up I find. The squash vines have just started to run I planted them early