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and if nothing happens they may amt to something later on. Mort Lamb was up Friday night and gave me a check of $10. for that little engraving I had, that he gave to Mrs Longyear, she now says the book speak of a ring that Mrs Eddy gave me. and when I denied there was'nt any thing of the sort. he says "cant you find one that will answer," I wish I might, it would have to be ancient you know. She promised me one that I used to wear, a pearl, wonder where it went to. Knute started for Wallace's Saturday to spend the fourth. the shop has shut down for a fortnight. I hope business will start up. everything is so dull. Edgar Malcome got home from California last week and Percy Dykeman family are on their way. no place like Massachusetts for them. Pa may get a chance to sell him a house lot down below us, after he gets to work the family then will be in a bunch, Louis spoke about it so it may come true after all. Dont lay any plans on my going to the shore nothing doing now, For I have no desire to leave home on any consideration so thats final I mu[[??]]ed as far as those rackets are conserned [[concerned]]. I hate the water home is good enough for mine. 

well this is strung out long enough I guess so I'll say good bye