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her next year. Well Milly Paulsbury gets married Wednesday she went in town Thursday and bought her a white georgette dress and a hat to match. I gave her a doily and an embroidered handkerchief,, she says the latter she will carry when she gets married. [[one]] Lena gave meXmas it was pretty, with a peacock in one corner and a very pretty border. poor littl innocent Milly to young to marry the widower she is  going to marry must be ten years older, they are always in a hurry. Mrs Drake has put up a sign of no crossing so now we have to go around. I came through Leonards Friday, cuts off a little, there seems to be something to spoil ones comfort all the whole time. Our house begins to look nice Pa paint all the time he gets these are busy times for him haying hoeing the garden and mowing lawns, and painting he seems to have something all the live long time, he's mowing his lawn now. Hatties letter, seemed full of details. Helen must be impatient for her event to arrive where one had a housefull of sympathetic people poor Helen has no one  but if she gets a good Dr and nurse that knows her trade, its all thats required. Gertrude is situated just like Helen,, Her mother and his are both mad to think she is in that condition. and his mother is all Church  and "what will folks say" tell she is heartily sickened but her husband is good to her and  for what folks say. We have been to dinner and now Pa has gone over to turn his hay this is a great old hay day, he will put it in to night, if the showers stay off long enough. Perey Dykmans wife has got another kid, it's a boy, the oldest boy is twenty years old, his folks, you know,sold out and went to California. Mrs Dykman was here yesterday she had been down to see Mrs McTarry she isnt very well since she had a shock it effected her back. Our roses are out now there isnt as many as common this year. I shall be glad when we get the trellis put back our clematis is running all over everything and the rambler rose is half broken down it had never done so well as it did this year before they took it down to paint the house. thats the way things go upside down since the war.