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enough with a different share. I feel this to be cheeky but the size is for a much older child & I think it would be better to have a chance to try the dress on before its finished. & cos my head gets confused easily with my own troubles, I am apt to make a mess over what was once a simple thing to do. Pa is up in the front chamber, he has just been down for his luncheon. he stays up stairs a lot & dont talk. every one I meet inquires after him. Talbot tells people who ask him about Pa that he seems to be holding his own. I hardly think his mind is. he couldn't put on his tie this morning. so I told him to leave it off. We have just got up from a nap after dinner the boy has just come over to pay Drakes rent. Pa was anxious to know all about it so had to tell him. I made out the receipt & signed his name and put my name under it. Pa would not sign it or write it. now hell is to pay for the rest of the day, consequently I have got to go out in the storm to get away till the atmosphere clears & I can live in peace once more. nothing has been done right since he has been this way, but its impossible to make him understand. thats his head thats wrong. I have just called up Aliee & she says her mother does not have much appetite but thinks she is no worse on the whole. Mystie takes care of her nights. Jack has his same old house keeper back again so Doris Perkins told me yesterday she says they are awful private & close mouthed lately so she keeps away. I hope we get the sun tomorrow or we shall mildew 