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ground where there is so much frost in the ground it cant sink in. George McGarvey was out in his back yard trying to dig a hole to bury a little hound, that he had just bought & he said he died of homesickness, he thought that family are fond of dogs, they all have to have a dog. I dont see why, dogs as a rule, are a darn nuisance. they are forever getting one into trouble, cats are bad enough. I hope there will be a chance to sleep to night Pa was terrible restless last night & we neither of us slept.

Has the baby tried on the dresses I made her the first of the winter? she will out grow them I am afraid. I hardly know how big to make these that Maude bought her. they are ment [[meant]] for a much older child.

Saturday morning

Still foggy & a little cooler. Pa's eating his breakfast he slept all night but woke up wild as usual. always worse in the morning his appetite is still good in the morning. hope Sid is over his guppy ness by this time.
