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I have been nothing but a home fixture all my life & thats all I ever want to be, its the way one is started & its become a habit. my mother made me an old drudge when I was a small child & I did not have time to go. I had to do my share of the work she took in to do. she supported her family. father was a lazy man & let her do the work. Mystic makes me think of father a lot. she is awful you ought to see her ankles.
Pa is sitting on the radiator in the dining room he says his head is feeling clearer this morning. he woke some where around 3 o clock but had a nap after wards. he had a good clearing out the bran muffins are the right things to eat for us both.

Pa is fusing over the heater, he is listening to see if its on & then when its off, he is fussing so there is no way in suiting him he dont know what he wants, he soon will go off by him self & be quiet I hope brooding. he was not pleased to see Ralphs folks. he couldnt shut up the door quick enough after them. Jim has not been over for a long time over a fortnight I guess he is sick of coming Pa treats him better than he does most of them.