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Stoughton Feb 20th 

Dear Doris

I thank you for my present I received to day on the anniversary of my birth & think I was well remembered. the day was mostl [[mostly]] cloudy, but a good deal warmer

I had company while we were up stairs Myrtie came & could not get in as the door was locked I managed to call her back just as she was leaving. I enqired [[enquired]] about her mother she is about the same, but Alice & she are not on very good terms. Percy is trying to get a job of working nights at the Panther rubber. but I dont think he will be successful. he needs money mighty bad & Myrtie says that its half that ails Alice she thinks.

She is thinking some of getting a job to do housework & spoke of Jack Waylands. they would fight like cat & dog & I dont know which would come out at the top it would be a tie, dont you think? 

I am about finishing my quilt this week. 

Pa is worrying to day over my putting in the oil as usual every little thing excites him & makes him I was up stairs notting it when Myrtie came Pa heard her at the door.