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Stoughton Feb 18th 1932

Dear Doris

The sun came out last night towards sunset. It seems good to see it if only for a little while at a time. I went down town as there was a few things I needed over Sunday. the going was much better than I expected it would be & the sidewalks were well sanded most of the streets were bare but plenty of snow on the side where the plow had pushed it so that I got along very well. I had a letter from Alice she is not in love with her last place & will get away soon I declare she is to be pitied going around from pillar to post she has children & they should take better care of her, but its the sons wives, none of them want her.

I wish Gladys would marry but guess she never will. Lena has not written this week, hope she is not sick. Pa is on the couch I think he must be asleep. he had a nervous spell this afternoon & was all over the house he could not keep still but an early supper & hot tea seemed to quiet him down some. I have got the quilt pretty much all together. I saw Nichols store window full of blankets.