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Stoughton February 11th 1932

Dear Doris

A very snowy day this afternoon it turned to rain towards night which softened up the snow & ice terrible going they say.  I have sewed on my quilt all day & was glad there was something to be busy on.  I hope tomorrow will be pleasant.

Myrtie call up on the phone her mother she said was about the same came down Sunday last.

She told of receiving a letter from Mary French.  it seems Ella Smith AP Smiths widow is staying with her this winter. & she lets a room to that nurse who took care of Charley the last of his life.

I thought she would be lonesome to live there all alone.  Ella Smith has no home except with her children & she works, so she told me when she called last fall so not to be dependent, but now, she is an old woman & a home would mean a great deal to her.

Pa is tagging me around & inquisitive as an old woman.  he is quiet except when he gets nervous.