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Stoughton Jan 23th 1982

Dear Doris
This morning is going to be pleasant & warm: so the radio informs us but colder tomorrow. I am going to wash my own clothes his I did yesterday & it was a good washing day.
Maude & Ralph came at night after a long ride then before they went away Myrtie called she was as loude as ever & made Pa crazy. she did not realize his condition. her mother from what she said was about the same  I gathered & alice was getting over her cold. Mrs Toomey she said was better but very weak. Aunt sarah she was sick in bed with a cold also. Myrte was surprised because I hadnt any cold perhaps.
Pa is chasing me all over the house while I write this letter but I cant write with him a mumbling. & he cant keep still a minute
he had a quiet day yesterday for him.
he has given up writing & dont know how to put in his time. he had a good clearing out & now he is worried on account of that. he is afraid