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I have taken advantage of the warm sunny day & stayed out a lot. I tried to get Pa out but no, he is afraid some one will see him. such a crazy notion. he is full of them. your bundle came today. thanks let it be my birthday present it was very pretty thanks for the same again. I would like to know how the baby likes her play house you made for her out of a box. Does she have it to play with these days? they get sick of their play things unless you hide them up for a while & then they seem new to them. what did the Duglasses name their baby? its a little girl isnt it? & does it cry as it did at first? Has Ralph sent any almanac the next time I go down town if they have got any I will see, they promised to get some at Cobs for me, we have not got ours yet. its time for the news now. Amos & Andy come on next. then Pa's Oil & lunch, then the stone in the oven. & off to bed at eight O'clock. he takes every thing thats loosening but it does not seem to have the affect as it did. I will get him some prunes perhaps they may be effectual.

Tuesday. He has had a crazy night but calm this morning. 