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Stoughton Jan 17th 1932

Dear Doris

It is snowing this morning & bids fair to be a wintery Sunday. Yesterday was too good to last long a fine pleasant day I was busy all day long went down to the little store after bread at night.

Pa was pretty fussy all day he had a little pass him. but not any this morning. he may later in the day, the oil he fights against every time, but I make him take it. he is as obstinate as a he goat.

I dont want you to send me any dress goods to make up as I have two dresses that I have never worn, now remember I dont want any more dresses. I dont like the ones I make up they look horrid & I have got a plenty already on hand.

I expect Maude to bring over the cloth she got for the babies dresses & I can make them next after I finish this braided rug. its most done now. & I have used up a good many