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Stoughton Jan 4th 1932

Dear Doris

We received your two letters to day & were glad to know that you arrived safe & folks were no worse for you coming. I got the check also, thanks.

This morning had to go down town after a few things & in spite of icy roads the snow is a nuisance as it makes bad going but the streets were well sanded & I was all right & did me good to get the fresh air.

Ralph & Maude came last night she brought me a loaf of oatmeal bread & Irma came to see us also as she likes Pa. then who should come up to day but Ella she is staying there alone by her lonesome & says its awful so she says. Dora, her niece she has sent for. She says Amos left a will & left $500 to his sister Mary Jane so she has located her & told her & has received word from her the rest goes to Ella & guess there is enough to carry her through this with out doubt. Pa was pleased enough to