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these two stuck togather, so I am sending them along just the same. I found those cupons [[coupons]] you spoke about that Sid sent to us & Pa said were no good they were in the closet with the papers Pa said no good, but I have saved them, what will I do now?  Cameron called me up this noon & told me what you wrote him about those casualty papers & said that I paid him which was true. I am now in hopes that settles the case satisfactorely. Pa is fussy & wants me to attend to his bugbears most of the time.  Ella saw where in a living trouble was worse than a dead one the little time she was here. she has had an easy quiet life with nothing to worry her & this is hard for her to bear as it simply breaks up the home & as she is so far along in life she will be lonely without Amos who has always lived to make her home happy. a very unselfish man. She spoke of their having so many at the funeral. it did show how every body respected him he had no enemies & many friends who will always remember him as he was.