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Stoughton Dec 22nd 1931

Dear Doris

This is a dark stormy morning warm & stuffy. I did not get up untill [[until]] most seven Pa was still & so I rested. the change in temperature between the two mornings. yesterday morning it was 13° above & this morning it was 46° above Pa is wild as a hawk this morning "we are all going to burn up". no use to write the letter we are surely going to burn up. he is so persistent I guess the day will be full of such notions. Maude was here Sunday night with Ralph she brought be some tangerines & two chocolate drops for Pa he gobbled them up like a young child. they invited us over to their Xmas dinner, but we declined of course it was kind in them. they brought up some tintex, & I am going to color my sugar bags but Pa will put up a terrible row. he is chasing me all over the house & I am trying to write this letter. the devil is in him to day, I made him shave himself again yesterday & he got through with it all right he was better after he had some thing to occupy his time