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Stoughton Dec 16th 1931

Dear Doris

Last night was a cold night it reached 18° this morning early but it is clouding up for a change in temperature I guess.

Ralph was sick vomiting Monday night but was better Maude said last night It was so cold that I did not go down yesterday Maude got the baby a pretty little dress for Xmas in Boston. I have not seen it but she described it & Ralph said it was handsome.

I will have to go downtown this afternoon if the weather changes. the sun is shining out so I think its to be pleasant.

I am up stairs writing this letter Pa is listening to the news. he is terrible afraid of the cold weather & all I hear is every thing is going to freeze up, "don't you know Mother" from morning till night. he is scart [[scared]] to death of every little thing nervous as a witch all the live long time borrowing